Gold floor lamp Pioggia

La lampada da terra Pioggia Oro è un'aggiunta elegante e lussuosa a qualsiasi ambiente. La sua essenza è rappresentata dalla cascata di cristalli K9 che riflettono la luce in modo magico. Con la sua struttura in acciaio bagnato oro 24KT, aggiunge un tocco di preziosità e glamour. Completa di 5 luci rivolte verso il basso, questa lampada è pronta per illuminare i tuoi spazi con stile e raffinatezza.
TIPOLOGY: Floor Lamps
STYLE: Modern
SIZE: H160  40
BULB: 5xE14
Among our brightest lamp collections, we include "Pioggia" (Italian for "Rain"). The name itself suggests the reason: the models in this collection are distinguished by a rain of crystals, a sparkling cascade of great impact. It's impossible not to be pleasantly impressed and amazed! They fit well in domestic environments, as well as in other tourist reception structures, primarily hotels and restaurants.

The essence of the collection lies in the K9 crystals, which come in different lengths and shapes, but the structure also plays a fundamental role. This is why we have created two versions. This one is the more precious, while the other is in chrome-colored steel; this one stands out for having the lamp structures made of 24KT gold-plated steel. The quality is higher, and the final aesthetic appearance is undoubtedly different.

The Pioggia Oro (Gold Rain) lamp models are extremely elegant and sophisticated, adding a chic touch wherever they are placed.

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